Monday, May 02, 2005

And so it begins...

It's crunch time, ladies and gentlemen. I am a single, Orthodox Jewish female from a certain Midwestern city seeking a husband. Actually, seeking the man of my dreams.

Why, you ask, is it crunch time? Because at the end of this summer, I turn *thirty*. Dread. I can hardly believe that I'm over thirteen. I have no idea how I got to be *thirty*.

Now, before you go and say to yourself in your little New York-ish voice, "Almost thirty, frum and not married? So what's wrong with her?" - let me tell you that I only became seriously frum two years ago. And I live in the Midwest. And I'm a giyores.

Other than that, I'm perfectly cute (if slightly on the chubby side), nice most days, and pretty darn smart (if I do say so myself). You'll have to excuse the lack of humbleness. I teach middle school English and we got our state standardized test scores back today - my students scored considerably higher than the state average. I'm a little full of myself today. (Dont' get me wrong, the credit, of course, goes to my brilliant kids, but I'm taking this opportunity to bask in their glory.)

In any case, it's crunch time.

I'm on a mission this summer - 2005 - to find my bashert and get hitched because, as my friend Mottel told me quite recently, "You can sell something for $29.99, but you can't sell anything for $30." Thanks, Mottel.

Your role in this will be to read and be possibly amused by this blog, and to send any hot prospects my way.

If you are a hot prospect, what are you waiting for?


At 01 June, 2005 10:10, Blogger P.S. Love said...

Dear Future Intended for someone. :)...
I was wondering if you could put something up on your blog that describes you.... I dunno, just something, maybe not a photo, but maybe a photo, what you want out of a marriage and you know, the usual stuff. I have a friend here in Utah who was just kvetching about her 30-something son who is in the army and just not meeting any Jewish girls. He wants to get married. He'll be stationed in NC or SC somewhere later this year. I have met him and he is a cutie, super smart and a wonderful gentleman.

At 15 June, 2005 23:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I can recognize the voice of my friend "Nina". Yes, have son, would like to make match. He's got a BA and an MA and he's smart and nice and I'm starting to call Rabbis in Raleigh because I know he would like to get married and I would be delighed to have the nachas of seeing one of my kids happily married! Your writing is great--entertaining sense of humor-- and I certainly can empathize (have a daughter who just turned 30), but it would help to really know more about you besides loving your students (which reveals your nurturing nature but not enough else)....What is a "giores" (sp?)?--you said you're one.


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