Tuesday, May 03, 2005

First contact

Using the fantastic service provided by www.sawyouatsinai.com, I sent the following to my shadchan:

Hi _____ - First I want to thank you for thinking of me so consistently - I truly appreciate all your efforts.

I wanted to tell you about my plans for the summer and ask for any assistance you can give me. I'm a public school teacher, so I have the summer free. Seeing as how I'm turning 30 in mid-August, I've decided to try and triple-focus my efforts on meeting my bashert before this dubious milestone (as my friend told me the other day, "You can sell anything for $29.99, but not for $30). How inspiring. Nevertheless, I fear it's true.

I am willing to travel to NYC or almost anywhere multiple times, if necessary. I'd like to date as many guys as possible - sort of a dating marathon, I guess.

In any case, please let me know what you think and if you can think of anyone else I might contact who would be able to help.

Thanks a million!


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