Saturday, June 11, 2005

No news isn't necessarily good news

Ok, so I've had a communication breakdown in about a gazillion ways.

First of all, I fried my laptop this week while watering my newly topsoiled, newly seeded lawn. The water came right through the open window onto my running computer. Sizzle. So, now the nice tech guys at school are trying to fix it for me. Here's to hoping they're successful, since the laptop is integral to my plan to write full-time this summer.

Second communication breakdown? I haven't heard from the Israeli in over a week. The nebuch side of me says that he's probably been busy, doesn't feel it's appropriate to speak on the phone too many times before meeting in person, et cetera. Realistically? I probably said something a little too heart-on-my-sleeve-ish during our last conversation and it wigged him out. Oh well. A date doesn't necessarily look likely at this point.

Third? I finished teaching this week and have been beside myself at leaving this class behind. We had a truly amazing year.

So, between the laptop and being weepy over my seventh graders, I've been out of commission. But, I suspect that this will work out, since I imagine most of you out there won't be checking the blog over Shavuos...

Gut yom tov. Enjoy your cheesecake.


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