Monday, November 21, 2005

T-3 Days

I was very productive yesterday: washed and put up the storm windows, shopped for paint for my bedroom, and made split pea soup (see Lentil Soup recipe below and substitute split peas for lentils). I also saw the new Harry Potter movie. It was honestly breathtaking. I know they left out lots of stuff from the book and not everything matched, but it was extraordinarily well done - gone was the Roald Dahl-esque feel that all the weirdness was fundamentally harmless. In it's place was a dark, post-modern film that seemed to have more in common with the Cirque du Soleil than the previous movies. Definitely PG-13.

I simply adored it.

Which brings me to my next point: I might be seeing it again this weekend with Soulmate... Yes, just three days remain until I board the airplane and wing off to finally meet him. All signs are positive - will update you upon my return.

I've dropped out of the NaNoWriMo challenge (sorry, Elster), but I've just had to devote brain space to other things (like how to look as cute as possible when I get off the plane...). But I've been trying to resume my morning writing in spite of the fact that every cell in my body seems to want to hibernate. It's going well and I'll post more to my writing blog later this week.


At 21 November, 2005 18:18, Blogger Dan Eisenberg said...

good luck on the trip.

At 22 November, 2005 00:37, Blogger MC Aryeh said...

You liked the new Harry Potter better than the last one? how would you rank the all?

Still cautiously excited for you and your trip. My good thoughts and hopes are with you.

I knew in advance that I would not be able to do the writing challenge successfully, so I did not take part. I can't write well with that kind of pressure. I definitely go for quality over quantity. But you made it pretty far! How much did you get done in the end?

At 22 November, 2005 05:02, Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah. I actually dropped out a few days after you did, Elster. I kept telling myself that I would get back to it, but I recently came to the realization that November is almost over and I'm just now getting back into my pre-yom tov groove.

Daniel - thanks.

MCAryeh - I have no particular memory of the first three movies except that I was quite pareve about them. This is the first one that had me leaving the theater wanting to turn around and see it again. I should also note that HP and the Goblet of Fire is my favorite HP book so far.

As far as the nanowrimo challenge goes, I got about 1500 words into it... Not far. I actually find that writing under pressure is good for me - the initial stuff that comes out might be crap, but I'm mighty good at revising and find it loads easier than putting the initial words on the page. I've always worked better under pressure, though. One time (and one time only), I wrote a paper ahead of time over hte course of two weeks for an English class. I got a C. My usual habit was to sit down late at night before the paper was due and let the B.S. just flow onto the page. Those papers always got 'A's. Go figure.


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