Friday, July 29, 2005

Dream a Little Dream

I had a brief conversation with another blogger today about escaping from life in the city/suburbs.

Why is it that nearly all Jewish communities are in cities or suburbs? Sure, I understand the need to be close to a minyan and close to good schools. But, why doesn't anyone ever gather a few families and move to a small town somewhere?

I've talked to so many people over the last few years who have expressed a desire to move away from our suburban community in favor of a small-town existence. Maybe they weren't serious.

I'm very serious.

I grew up in a small town on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. I love life up there - the pace is slower, people are friendly, there's plenty to do - skiing in winter and water in the summer (see the pictures a few posts down). On top of all that, it's a resort community - thousands of people come in and out of there every summer - so there's a fair amount of culture and the locals are used to having different people around.

I'd give almost anything to move back up there.

Think about it. If enough families moved up there, we could have a small school. No doubt English teachers would be easy enough to find. I'm sure we could sort out kodesh teachers and send the older kids away for high school, if necessary.

I've thought all this through. Seriously.

Oh well, a girl can dream, can't she?

SJF seeks SJM for quiet life in the country.


At 31 July, 2005 08:10, Blogger Sarah said...

Right, so I'll consent on the mikveh.

Kosher food is really quite available at almost any supermarket these days. Sure, we'd have to buy things like meat or cheese in bulk and freeze them, but everything would be quite to hand - especially with the advent of the internet.

Plus, the people that such an endeavor would attract would naturally be sort of groovy and adventurous.

I already dealt with the school issue somewhat (see post). As far as a shul goes - where I'm from many shuls are in people's basements - perhaps not ideal, but serviceable nonetheless.

I really don't think it would be that hard.

At 01 August, 2005 12:09, Blogger Karl said...

Due to the high cost of living round here, the Chassidish community is planning a mass migration to a town further out. Planning on moving out on mass, together, once the foundations of a heimish community are laid - schools, shuls, mikva, shops, pensioners home. THey have bought a "block" in town/city and apparently they are actually building at the moment. It is possible, but it just needs someone to take the first plunge.

At 02 August, 2005 20:54, Blogger Sarah said...

Kvetch - Thanks for the chizuk!

At 04 August, 2005 17:50, Blogger TRK said...


DO IT! Make it your goal, Im Tirzu Ein Zo Agada.



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