Friday, September 02, 2005


This is in response to several folks who have written comments giving me various word's of advice - including "slow down".

Wow. I'm really not overthinking things, honest. You have to remember that reading this blog is like slicing off a portion of my head and peering inside.
As far as just going out with him already, he lives a three-hour plane ride away. Until I become independently wealthy, I'd like us to have as much information as possible about each other before either of us makes a multi-hundred dollar commitment to fly anywhere for a date. It's the polite and responsible thing to do.

For everyone who commented on my last post and on the post where I mentioned I was Googling him, think of it this way: when a girl really likes a guy, she spends hours thinking about him. I'm an information junkie, so, for me, this adolescent obsessiveness manifests itself in the form of Googling him.

Take a deep breath, folks, and remember that I am: a)relatively well-adjusted, b) a responsible teacher, c) a contributing member of society, d) completely sane in all the ways that count and happy to be insane in all the ways that don't count!


At 02 September, 2005 08:55, Blogger Sarah said...

I absolutely think the monetary investment is worth it.

A visit may not fit into either of our schedules for a few weeks, though. I, for example, certainly can't take time off with yomtov coming up in addition to starting a new school year. People tend to assume that teaching is like any other job - taking time off is a hassle, but really doable. It's not. If I were to take time off, I'd a) have to take the days unpaid at the rate of $200/day, b) have to write lesson plans accounting for every single minute I'm gone.

So, it basically amounts to his coming here. We honestly haven't discussed it yet. Remember, we're both INFPs - planning ahead is a skill that doesn't necessarily come naturally to us.

I would assume, imagine, and expect that he'll come here possible during yomtov or maybe for a Shabbos before. He's doing doctoral work in addition to earning a parnassa full-time, so his expendable time is also at a premium.


At 02 September, 2005 09:48, Blogger Sarah said...


What does your wife teach, Elster? Public school or Jewish?

At 02 September, 2005 10:01, Blogger MC Aryeh said...

I think you are being very sensible and doing just what you should be, despite being... a)relatively well-adjusted, b) a responsible teacher, c) a contributing member of society, d) completely sane in all the ways that count and happy to be insane in all the ways that don't count

Have a good shabbos!

At 02 September, 2005 11:04, Blogger Dan Eisenberg said...

a word of caution (sorry) Talking a lot on the phone with out actually seeing the person, same for IMing or emailing, can sometimes inflate feelings a lot more than face to face interpersonal relationships. Sorta like the way people fall in love in people in prisons. There is some psychological concept I forgot what its called.

Shabbat Shalom

At 02 September, 2005 11:53, Blogger Anonymous said...

Great blog! Just read from your first entry until this one.

Good luck.

At 02 September, 2005 15:42, Blogger int said...

I'm an INTP, is that good or bad?

At 02 September, 2005 15:55, Blogger Sarah said...

I don't think any of it is good or bad - it just describes your basic personality. INFPs tend to be idealists. I don't know much beyond that. An internet search should reveal what INTP is.

At 02 September, 2005 16:39, Blogger Sarah said...

xoxoxoxoxo goin' out to my friend 2Ts for sticking up for me.

Sometimes I feel like - who the hell are these people to give me advice? They don't even know me! But, the truth is, you know a part of me that I choose to reveal on my blog.

It may sound like I'm jumping in with both feet, but rest assured my good sense hasn't left me. I'm well-aware of the potential shortcomings of a budding phone/email relationship. Been there, done that.

Keep in mind also that you are not privvy to the entirety of the conversations we (me and chosson-prospect #1) have had. Perhaps if I put it all out there (which I won't do at this point), you would understand.

Just daven for me! I'm happy to return the favor. Sara Elisheva bas Sarah - in case anyone is wondering.

That said, I'm happy to add any of you to my davening if you want to send me your Hebrew name.

At 04 September, 2005 01:26, Blogger int said...

Found your profile on Frumster. I like! If I wasn't 26, I'd msg you :)

At 04 September, 2005 08:03, Blogger Sarah said...

Just out of curiosity, which details led you to be able to connect me to my profile? I know it must be possible if you read ALL the posts carefully...

P.S. Thanks for the compliment, btw. :)

At 04 September, 2005 21:38, Blogger int said...

Sent an e-mail to your yahoo mail box.

At 05 September, 2005 00:57, Blogger Shoshana said...

I am happy to add you to my davening list - I hope everything continues to go well so I can take you off shortly!

At 05 September, 2005 08:35, Blogger Pragmatician said...

I once flew to NY for a date which didn't really go very well.
With what this date costed me I could've taken three girls or go out on three dates to a nice restaurant.
In other words you are acting wisely in my opinion.

At 05 September, 2005 19:08, Blogger SemGirl said...

When are you going to meet him in person already. When you do I wish you all the best.


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