Sunday, September 18, 2005


I'm weary - but it's a pleasant water-logged and sun-drenched day-at-the-beach weary.

He responded. It was very sweet (are you surprised?). He said he had to stay at home until after yom tov because they need him to make a minyan in his tiny community. I find this adorable and endearing. So, we'll start looking for cheap plane tickets and planning the other details. I would like him to come here and will eventually suggest so unless he comes up with a better idea (say, meeting in Paris, or something). Wow. That would certainly be something. Paris. Hmm. Food for thought.

Anyway, I have approximately six weeks to lose 20 lbs. This may be just the kick-in-the-ass that I need after a summer spent gaining and losing the same 2 lbs. over and over again. I usually try to be internally motivated in my weight-loss endeavors - the logic that the loss won't stick keeps me from pinning my hopes on others. But, perhaps the impending visit will help motivate me a little more than I have been. Size 14 here I come! Ha. (We all have to have goals in life, after all.)

My new favorite band? Great Big Sea. Check them out if you like funky Celtic/folk/rock/drinking song fusion.

At this point in the dating proceedings, I usually feel nervous and the initial bloom has slipped off the rose. This time, however, I feel this serene calm - as if I can't possibly do anything to screw it up. Daniel, maybe this is what your wife meant when she told you she knew from your first date that you would get married?

I went back to read my poem "You" that I posted in May. He's in there. It's him. He fits exactly into every single image that came to me when I wrote it last summer. At that time, I couldn't imagine a Jewish man fitting into my vision, but it appears that he does exist.

Now I have to wait and see if his vision matches mine.


At 19 September, 2005 07:07, Blogger Shoshana said...

Good luck. I have you in my thoughts and prayers. May everything go smoothly and end up wonderful.

By the way, I will be in your neck of the woods for Rosh Hashana - I hope I get to see you!

At 19 September, 2005 10:21, Blogger Dan Eisenberg said...

For the record, it was the second date. Either way, I don't reccomend sharing that insight with the guy right away. A lot of people would freak out by that type of honesty (and pressure). I caution you though about the weight loss. 1- it might cause you to gain if you put so much pressure on yourself. 2- just be prepared to keep it off. From a guy's perspective (me) it is sexier being a woman slowly losing weight than one who I first meet one way and then grows before my eyes?

I assume he already has seen a picture of you and he is interested, so relax, go slowly (in all areas) and good luck

At 19 September, 2005 10:49, Blogger Sarah said...

Cut me some slack, Daniel... And, yes, he has seen photos (head and full body).


At 20 September, 2005 03:59, Blogger Pragmatician said...

You really have very diverse taste, JJ Goldman and now a celtic band.
I should try the band out though cause you've proven you have great taste!


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