Stinky Dog and Other Highlights from the drive Up North
I drove Up North today to spend five days with the family. My dog really needs a bath. She insisted on laying her stinky, slobbery head on my shifting arm the entire four-hour trip. When we arrived, she promptly jumped into the lake (see picture several entries down), which didn't do much to improve her olfactory appeal.
I also made some shidduchim phone calls. My cell phone is out-of-range up here, so I wanted to see if the two SYAS guys wanted to email this week instead of trying to talk on the phone.
The first guy, whom I'll refer to as Dr. Math, wasn't home, so I left him a message with my email address. Apparently he called M.H. after this to say that his computer was down and he probably wouldn't be able to email this week. Better luck next week. I'll try giving him a call on my way home Friday morning.
Bachelor #2, the New Yorker who slipped through from two entries ago, called me on Friday to wish me Good Shabbos. This was after our ill-fated and thoroughly mediocre phone conversation on Wednesday. I was impressed. The goofy laugh and half-stutter suddenly became a little cute instead of irritating. I called him back today and we chatted briefly - I gave him my email address, I hope he writes.
Have a delightful first week of August, everyone!